Sunday, March 15, 2009


And so the tradition of lefsa bread greets a new generation. Here in the Nordic pocket of America mashed potatoes can spontaneously become bread. It is incredible. There is a special grill, like a wok pressed in a giant vice. Notice the swordlike spatula Mama Norway wields with such confidence. Many aspects of the process are unique. A special lefsa board is needed to roll out the mixture (see exhibit A). To turn the lefsa over you slip the swordula under the dough, lift and begin to spin the tool, rolling the flat lefsa onto the grill (exhibit B). In the spirit of American melting pots we added Irish Whisky to the mix. A great night was born.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:


Anonymous said...

what a fantastic collection of aprons. wish you were here, jesse! - kel

Anonymous said... first glance, it looks delicious! Grandma A would be very proud! dad